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Governor DeWine Orders Hiring Freeze for State Agencies, Boards, and Commissions
Ohio Issues "Stay at Home" Order; New Restrictions Placed on Day Cares for Children (Español)
Day Support for Developmentally Disabled to Close; BWC Payments Deferred; Trucking Waiver Issued (Español)
Order to Prohibit Adult Day Support or Vocational Habilitation Services in a Congregate Setting
Order to Close Facilities Providing Older Adult Day Care Services and Senior Centers
Hyde Park woman describes what it’s like to have coronavirus
Elizabeth Edwards is 38 and a mother of two. She also is a General Partner of H Venture Partners of Cincinnati, Ohio. H Venture Partners is an early stage venture and private equity fund that invests in consumer products and devices. H Venture Partners invests across the US and Canada. Elizabeth is also the author of “Startup: The Complete Handbook for Launching a Company for Less”